Solstice Conception Intentions

Happy Solstice everyone! I am writing this for anyone who would like to work with the current potent energetic alignment of the Winter Solstice, and the Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction, in a way that you receive the most out of this opportunity. According to some sources, the proximity of Saturn to Jupiter has not occurred in 800 years , and will not occur again until 2080. This is a potent time of new beginnings , as Saturn moves from where it has been stationed in Capricorn into Aquarius for the next 2 years, on the same day as the Winter Solstice, which signifies a time of regeneration, renewal, and self-reflection, and carries the “moon” or Goddess energy. The first step to embracing this doorway is to be aware of the opening and to bring your thought and feeling intention to what the deepest part of you is ready to release in order to make room for what is ready to take root in you. I encourage you to become very clear about the thoughts you have been thinking and if they are supportive of what you want to experience more of in your life. When everything “out there” seems chaotic and out of your control, it is important to re frame your thinking , and focus on what you would like to experience more of, because this is where your control is. Fear creates more fear and can become a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle. Fear -based thoughts and perceptions create chronic stress, hormone imbalances, insomnia, unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, and mental and physical imbalances that impact your health, well-being, and quality of life.

What would you like to create and how can you create fertile ground for what you are ready to create? For some, you yearn for a baby, for another you may want to write a book, or start a new business. I encourage anyone who is on a fertility journey( fertility is not just about”making a baby), to get very clear about the seeds you would like to plant and see manifest over the next 2 years. When I refer to fertility, what I mean is intentionally creating fertile and receptive ground in your mind, body, heart, and spirit to conceive and manifest your souls’s vision. It is not as much about the energy of doing as it is about cultivating the soil, so that something healthy, beautiful, and life giving can emerge.

In my health coaching practice, I work with individuals who want to live your fullest life, by implementing a daily lifestyle, that you look forward to because it supports your overall well-being, and bridges the gap between where you are and living your soul’s potential. I also work with couples who want to conceive, grow, and birth a healthy baby from the healthiest environment possible. In both cases, this entails connecting with and becoming clear about what you want to create, what inspires you, and gives you a greater sense of joy, and well-being. You have the opportunity to reflect on your thoughts, beliefs, and lifestyle patterns, and honestly decide if they are supportive of your heartfelt intentions. Together, we address the patterns of behavior that you are ready to shift, so that you can begin living your best life and actualizing your dreams, whether it is a baby, a book, a garden, a business,or you fill in the blank.

What is that voice inside of you wanting to express through you, in a way only you can express ?

How can I support you in consciously conceiving your heartfelt intention that is yearning to be birthed through you?

Please share your thoughts and intentions with me and share this blog with anyone who would benefit!


Michele Pedersen