REFRAMING WEIGHT LOSS with Lighten Your Load Methodology

I am a Women’s Transformation Life and Wellness coach and advocate for empowered living and Soul-Aligned Self-care. When I started my Wellness coaching practice in 2015, clients started coming  to me because they wanted to lose weight. They had tried all sorts of diets and procedures and still could not keep the weight off, even though they had managed to for a period of time. When I work with anyone in my healing/wellness practice, my main intention is to promote wellness and to bring hope into the session. I always see the light when I work with someone and our journey together is intended to guide them toward and help them connect with that light. It is the light within them that is their essential nature.  When someone is connected with and living from this light, the outcome is wellness and one of the ways this can show up is losing excess weight, or stuck energy. I see extra “weight” as being excess, unreleased energy, typically from traumatic or unprocessed emotional events, or from toxins that have built up in the physical body. This excess energy shows up on the physical body as excess weight. When you can’t metabolize certain life events this is one way it can show up. It is my understanding that imbalances begin in the energetic field and end up being reflected in the physical body.

What does this mean for you?  It means that you can follow all the diets known to mankind, but you will not keep the excess “weight” (stuck energy)off and be healthy until you address what is causing the imbalance. I have created a 5 fold approach called Lighten Your Load Methodology. This is not a quick fix or an instant life change. When you apply these principles your life will change. Your hormones will balance out, your blood sugar levels will begin to regulate, your nervous system will reset, your sleep patterns will shift, your metabolism will change, your moods will improve, your vitality will improve, and the energy that has been stuck will move , and be released.

Lighten your load.

When my clients want a result I share the importance of knowing WHY you want something, because the fulfillment you seek is not in the thing, but in the feeling that having that outcome gives you. I am going to invite you to  connect with your WHY. Why do you want to lose weight?

Do you think it will make you feel:

-more loveable

-more attractive

-more wantable



-less isolated and alone

-less ashamed

You fill in the blank with your own words…..

These are the thoughts and beliefs that are weighing you down and creating imbalances in your overall well-being, because they have nothing to do with your true worth or who you are. You have internalized these beliefs from the culture you live in, the media, and the feedback you’ve received from other people and yourself. These are some of the programs we work with to disentangle from your nervous system, mental and emotional bodies, in order to make room for your natural energy to flow unobstructed throughout your body.

What is the WHY beyond the not enoughness? Is it





-self acceptance

Can you access these states regardless of your physical “weight”?

Lighten your load.

What area do you want to lose weight in?





All of the above?

Lighten Your Load Methodology: 5 fold approach

-Adopt an empowered mind set

-Clear and release stuck energy in your subconscious

-Move your body; consume nutrients, stay hydrated

-Connect with, give love to, and clear stuck emotions

-Connect with and live from your Soul-aligned Self-care

You receive:

-1-1 mentorship, coaching, clearing ( 9 months)

-Soul-Aligned protocol covers all 5 facets

-Private facebook group

-Ongoing Voxer support

-Access to live and recorded teachings and transmissions

-10 % off any future offerings, or sessions

-Bonus deep dive call with me

Keep in mind everyone is different. This is an average amount of time, which can vary per individual needs:

It takes 21-30 days to begin to implement a new pattern/ habit

It takes 90 days to more fully anchor it in

It takes 6 months to maintain a new routine

It takes 9 months to grow and birth a baby

9 months to a whole new you, are you in?