Transforming your Life from the Inside Out: Soul-Led Self Care

When you think of self-care what is the first impression that comes to you?

I didn’t know what it meant as a woman and mother, as I grew up watching women who did not care for themselves and were subservient to the men and children in their lives. It was just what they did, the role they played, and what was expected of them. Eventually this paradigm becomes internalized and we begin to expect this of ourselves without much mercy or self-compassion. In my eyes someone always needed something and I received a sense of value and importance from being able to meet that need. It’s beautiful to care about others and do what we can from a place of loving support, when our cup is full. When we neglect our needs or don’t stop moving for long enough to take a deep breath and connect with what our body is needing, our heart is needing, our spirit is needing we get depleted, hopeless, resentful, sick, and depressed, and everyone suffers.

Where is the balance?

Where do you begin when you are so far removed from yourself, your needs, your self-care?

I spent years as a single mother, who had a habit of forgetting to schedule needs into my own life or it just didn’t happen. I lived on 3 hours of sleep a night, mist nights, migraines, full body aches, heart palpitations, depression, exhaustion, overwhelm, and resentment, because I was doing it ALL ALONE. Part of asking for help by the way, is Self-care, not defeat.

I want to remind you with the overwhelm of the holiday season to take a moment to breathe, then place a hand over your heart and one over your belly, breathe all the way down into your belly where your feelings and your power lives. Feel yourself, and tell yourself:

-Thank you

- I appreciate you

-I see you

- I’ve got you

-I’m here for you

-You’ve got this

-You matter

-You are safe

-All is well

What do you need right now in this moment dear one? When you nourish yourself and make your Self-care a priority you begin to show up differently for yourself and everyone else. You begin to feel the wind come back into your sails guiding you forward with the grace, ease, and peace your heart, mind, body, and spirit deeply crave.

You are the Loving Support you have been waiting for. You matter!

I can’t wait to share this 6- week Mastermind with you starting Jan. 2, 2022. There are 5 spots available and prices go up Jan.1. Dm me for the details!womenwellness#self-care##healing#mastermind#retreat#selfimprovement#

Self- care is not selfish, it is Self- responsible

Michele Pedersen