Natural from the Start: Empowered Birthing from Conception Through Postpartum

A shout out to all parents-’to-be, or for those who are planning to conceive within the next year or 2. I want to share with you a book I recently published which serves as a guide and support to couple’s and single’s who are embarking on the birth journey, wherever you are on this courageous path! There are so many unanswered questions you may have that I endeavored to cover within the pages of this book. My intention is that you feel encouraged and empowered while reading the stories of other birthing parents and while applying the information, and approaches in this book that serve to support you and your baby in experiencing more ease, joy, well-being, and fulfillment on your journey ahead. This is your birth! Why not create the strongest foundation, so that it can be everything you want it to be! Available in print and ebook on Amazon.

Natural From the Start: Empowered Birthing from Conception through Postpartum... via @amazon

Another link is:

Michele Pedersen