Dear Ones,

I felt compelled to share again, insights I have had, observations I have made, and profound experiences I have had that have led to some of the transformational work I do with people in my health and wellness coaching practice. Some of the observations are more recent, as the world we occupy is going through a rapid disintegration process, which no amount of numbing and distracting ourselves out is going to prevent. I feel called to support people in strengthening their nervous systems and bodies, clearing the frequencies that are not aligned with their Truth and their purpose here at this time, so they can discern and discover their voice and express it in their own unique way. I believe strengthening your inner foundation is essential to navigating through uncertainty, as the outer foundations are shifting and dismantling.

     We are being asked to awaken from our slumber. For some this will be a gentle transition, for others it will be more abrupt, and some will remain asleep to their inner truth and limitless potential unless or until they realize they are asleep and strive to wake up. I believe this is what we sign up for when we choose to come here to experience what it is to be human, in general, but at this juncture in time it is amplified. This is the crossroads where we find ourselves collectively. You may ask, what does “waking” up have to do with birth or more importantly, what DOESN’T waking up have to do with birth? One of the most powerful experiences I ever had was the birth of my first child. It was the first time in my life. I can recall accessing my true power. I had chosen to have her at home, with no intervention. I experienced birth, raw and fully present to the range of emotions that come up in the face of birth. We don’t talk about how birth represents a doorway in which we are standing at a threshold between worlds. This is one of the reasons why birth can feel so terrifying, because we are facing our own mortality unconsciously, and this fear is not able to be expressed. Although we are birthing a baby, part of us is also dying to our old identities as we are either being surrendered or surrendering to the under tow of the birthing process. Birth is calling us into the deep, shadowy, recesses of our being, where our fear and survival instincts live, along with our true power and limitless potential. This is what we are facing when we birth, this is the realm we are entering. This is Heaven on Earth that is possible for us during birth. This is a microcosm of our life journey. I believe how we approach birth is a lot like how we walk through our life.


     In a way we are all NOW collectively birthing. How will you approach this collective and individual birth? This requires a full and thorough examination of where we stand within ourselves, and with each other, and why we stand there. Are we standing awake to our full potential and the potential of our fellow humans? Are we living from a place of fear and judgement, and a lifetime(s) of conditioned responses? Are we connected to our own highest TRUTH and potential or are we listening to, being influenced by, and living from an Untruth, that has been manipulated by a massive wave of fear permeating the collective consciousness at this time. What are you LISTENING to? Are you hearing your own TRUTH through all the frequencies you are experiencing? The TRUTH is always based in a LOVE frequency and is liberating. UNTRUTH is driven by FEAR, blame,separation, and judgement . Are you prepared for the next phase of your individual and collective evolution mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually? What does that even look like? Are you standing in Fear and Untruth or Love and Truth? What does your own voice even sound like? Are you willing to embark on that journey to find out?

     These are some of the questions I ask my coaching clients whether they are preparing for birth or want to connect with their soul’s potential and actualize it in this lifetime. When my children were young, I encouraged them to connect with their wisdom and their inner knowing and speak their truth. I do this with my clients and my friends. I ask all of you whom I have never met to ask yourself these questions. If you have difficulty connecting with your inner wisdom and guidance, I have found that having a regular mindfulness practice can support “disentangling” from all the noise, frequencies, and attachments from the world we live in, to cultivate a clearer connection with my own “gut” knowing.

    When we are children we learn that in order to be safe, to fit in, and be loved and accepted, we have to get in lines, follow the rules, and not question authority. We are not taught, unless we have conscious parents to connect with and listen to our INNER KNOWING, TRUTH, and WISDOM. We are not encouraged to listen to, stand in, and speak our truth. We are taught early on that if we do these things, we will be punished, abandoned, and cast out. Our very survival is threatened. We are faced with a decision at a young age and that decision is, “Do you stand in and live from your Truth, or do you sacrifice your truth for the love?” Do you live from a place of perpetual fear and people pleasing or do you live from courage and conviction in the Truth of who you are?” When you live from your TRUTH and it is not in alignment with the rules that someone else created that are not necessarily in your best interest, you are considered a rebel. Remember being taught, “not to rock the boat?” We were not born to be enslaved by false conditioning, we were born to wake up from living in this state of illusion, so that others could also be liberated.


     In 2004, I had a “near death” initiation or liberation experience. I had Lyme Meningitis and was dismissed by a doctor. I was actually in grave condition when I finally ended up in the hospital. I don’t get sick and I don’t go to hospitals. He told me I probably had a cold and to go home. Meanwhile, the left side of my face was numb and paralyzed, I had had a migraine for a week, and had a low- grade temperature. White blood cells were found in my cerebrospinal fluid following the spinal tap. He must have been especially busy that day. My primary care physician wrote me a prescription for antibiotics that I didn’t have a chance to take before my “near death” experience. It happened in a matter of seconds. I felt a woosh and was launched up through the top of my head. I was pulled away from everything that was holding me here, until I was just a light particle amongst billions of other light particles. I was NO ONE and NO THING. Just a light particle that continued to exist beyond this time space reality. Completely liberated!! Then I was sent back. It was not a graceful process, because I had a taste of liberation from what had once served as my reality. I had to heal my physical body, so that I could fully embody what I came here to be and do. It really is simple. It is to stand in the Truth and Knowing that I will continue on beyond this world, That I am not my name or my identity or this body. I am here to embody the DIVINE consciousness, call it Unity, Love, Light, or Truth, as much as that is possible and to REMEMBER that this is the TRUTH of who I AM. Because we are all connected, when I remember WHO I AM and live from this TRUTH, to the best of my ability, while in human form, others are able to begin to wake up to the TRUTH of who they are and begin to live from their soul’s potential and be liberated right here, right now, in human form. My dear Teacher once said, “we are perfectly human and perfectly Divine simultaneously. I urge you to do your best to remember who you are during this unprecedented time, be no less, accept no less, and remember that fear serves to separate you from your Truth and inner knowing. You are not of this world, you are just making a temporary stop along the way; a butterfly flapping its wings. What frequency do you choose to emit and live by? YOU CHOOSE!


Michele Pedersen