Transform Your life from the Inside Out Through Soul-Led Self-care

Transforming Your Life From the Inside Out Through Soul-Led Self-care

Where and when do you feel you are you most in your element?

When do you find yourself experiencing joy?

What are 3 things you can think of that bring you joy?

I invite you to contemplate these self-inquiry prompts that are just a snapshot of what I offer in my Soul-led coaching containers. Find a quiet, uninterrupted space to let these internal responses surface. Give yourself permission to really feel the joy bubble up from underneath the surface. It often has a few layers of conditioning to move through. Be patient with your process and timing. When you do access what gives you joy, I invite you to allow yourself to feel this joy expand within and beyond you, until you feel so full and over- joyed that it begins to feel like it is overflowing into the environment around you. Let yourself have this gift for as long as you desire and if you want to take this exercise a step further, find something to journal your experience in, so you can reflect on it going forward.

If you have difficulty accessing your joy, this can be a common experience and one I am familiar with. When you have internalized conditioning from your upbringing, where feeling joy may have made you feel guilty, unsafe, or out of control in some way, you may need additional support addressing some of these protective layers, so they feel safe enough to soften and let the essence of joy rise up and begin to become your new reality and experience. That’s o.k. too. This exercise is just an opportunity to observe where you are and lean into what your inner You’s are trying to communicate with you.

I am most in my element when I am frolicking about in the woods , just being playful and tapping into the moment. This is not something that has always come easily for me due to generational conditioning. I was taught to work hard and that fun was a luxury that came after all of my hard work was complete. "Fun" was something I had to earn and be worthy of. I became very serious about life and I earned approval by proving to myself that I was good enough. I earned several degrees, countless certifications, while working several jobs, all as a single mother. Life felt like a struggle where I felt like I was barely surviving most of the time because it was missing one essential ingredient: JOY! Yes, joy is one of the most important frequencies you can tap into, because it is the foundation of a Soul-Led life! When you tap into your essential nature, JOY, on a regular basis, you experience greater vitality, abundance, well-being, connection, and you begin to thrive and come alive again. Joy is your natural state of being. Coming back into alignment with your natural state is the main ingredient in my Soul-Led offerings. Does wanting to experience a greater sense of JOY call to you? Are you ready to start living more fully from this state and want to learn more about how I transformed my life from being bed ridden, sick, and exhausted to a life where I am thriving not just living in survival struggling to get through each day? To learn more about the containers I feel called to offer at this time and how we can work together to begin laying down the foundation for your Soul-Led Journey, click on my profile above or message me for details.#womenswellness#healing#retreat#selfcare#empowered#coaching#

Michele Pedersen