Wellness Recipe

Wellness Recipe

Cultivating wellness is multifaceted because whether you live on your own or are in a formal relationship you are always in relationship with a someone or something; Univeral intelligence, your ego, your body, a person, a plant, the land, or animals. Cultivating a sense of reverence and intention in how you approach these relationships are key factors in how you experience these relationships and will either contribute to or detract from the quality of your life.

The way I approach wellness in my life and professional practice is by addressing 4 overarching areas and creating a personalized plan that includes specific subcategories that support overall well-being in both people and animals.

I always begin with the individual because their relationship with themselves is the foundation of all other relationships. Here is what this approach looks like:

Relationship with Self-self:

Self, with a capitol “S”, is our Higher Intelligence that we receive can guidance from all the time if we are available to it. In order to be available to the guidance that is there to keep us on track, with our Divine Design and Soul Purpose, we must be in a clear and receptive state. Some of the things that can interfere with this are broken trust from religious trauma, beliefs passed on from family, parents, the collective consciousness, ancestral imprints, etc., essentially emotionally charged experiences and beliefs that have either been passed on or that we’ve adopted in response to an experience we’ve had. Belief work can be important in reestablishing a healthy relationship and two- way communication with this Higher Intelligence that we need access to in order to live a rich and fulfilling life that is in alignment with our soul purpose and plan.

-Cultivating this relationship requires:

-self-worth(clear beliefs)

-regular meditation-receptivity

-prayer-communicating our hearts desires

-faith/choosing to trust and believe and knowing what is in the highest and best for your soul’s evolution will show up to support your unfoldment in the exact right time

-gratitude: keeps the door to your heart, mind and soul open to receive the Grace, wisdom , guidance and blessings that are available to you in the way your soul will be optimally supported in evolving, based on the lessons you came here to learn.

Now that you have established a relationship with this Universal intelligence, it is important to tend to your:

-Physical body and its needs


-vitalized water with electrolytes

-regular physical movement



-Mental body

-healthy inner communication and self- talk

-disciplined focus on what you want and are grateful

-your emotional body

-be aware of your emotional state

-name your feelings

-connect with your feelings, through body with breath

-feel your feelings without judgment

-have a healthy medium through which you express your feelings; art, dance, writing, music

-be aware of when you feel like you are either drowning or frozen and receive support moving these emotions(EMDR, Tapping, Breathwork, Sound Immersion, physical movement, acupuncture)

Nervous System Health:

The state of your nervous system impacts you emotionally, physically, hormonally and impacts the overall quality of your well-being. In our society, we are addicted to adrenaline and live in a state of hypervigilance and overdrive; overdoing is celebrated and people are becoming more and more exhausted, overwhelmed and burned out on all levels. Your nervous system health is foundational to your overall health and well-being. Regulating your nervous system includes all of the above tools and approaches and a lifestyle and paradigm shift around prioritizing your self-care. Here is an example of a Nervous system regulation plan:

-7 plus hours of uninterrupted/quality sleep per night

-bedtime 10 p.m.

-morning/evening meditation/breathwork/gratitude practice(10-20 minutes each)

-regular bedtime routine

-unplug from devices at least an hour before bed

-epsom salt foot or regular baths at least 2 times a week

-sound immersion once a month

-acupuncture every 4-6 weeks and during the seasonal change

-eat grounding foods; root vegetables(beets, sweet potatoes, carrots) that are steamed or roasted, warming herbs, cinnamon, ginger, etc. Gluten free, whole grains and healthy, estrogen free proteins

-physical movement: regular walking(150 minutes a week, break a sweat)


-Tai Qi

-Qi Gong



-Pausing before saying yes to a request; feel what it feels like in your body, first and listen to and respond to your body first, then the outer request based on your body’s wisdom about what is in its best interest to stay healthy and sound.

Once you have established a regular routine that honors and prioritizes your relationship with your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being you are now in a healthier place to be in relationships with those around you; your family, partner, children, animals and friends. You also have a foundation in place to connect with and thrive on your life path.

I believe we all have a life purpose or more than one and we arrive Earthside with a specific set of gifts, talents and challenges that help us grow and contribute to the overall wellbeing of those around us.

My approach both personally and professionally to support clients in exploring this arena is through astrological wellness coaching. I see an individual’s moment of birth, as a screenshot of where all of the planets were aligned in the sky, along with their relationship with one another. This is a very mathematical arrangement and can be interpreted through a psycho-spiritual lens. I find it fascinating how accurate and helpful this tool can be for receiving a clearer understanding of what a person is navigating in this life, along with helpful approaches to being in acceptance with and evolving beyond this blueprint. I combine this assessment with any recurring beliefs that may be interfering with living from the fullest potential that is available for the person I am working with.

Once you have established your relationship with a Higher intelligence, your body, mind, heart and soul and life purpose you are ready to really thrive and give from overflow in all areas of your life.

Now we look at partnerships with your significant other, your children and your animals. We address all of these relationship with the same approach and formulas we used with your relationship with yourself.

If you are feeling the nudge to take the next step in your becoming and want to set up a Discovery Call to determine your next steps, email me at michelepedersen66@gmail.com with your availability so you can begin to build the life you were meant to live. I can’t wait to be your “guide on the side” and witness your becoming!

Michele Pedersen