How are things going on your inner  wellness journey? I want to invite you to take a few moments today and check in with yourself. Ask yourself:

-What am I plugging into?

-What am I “ingesting”?

-How “plugged in” do I feel to social media and the news/ how much of my life am I spending on these two areas?

-How “plugged in” do I feel to “fear-based” thoughts?

-How plugged in do I feel to my own inner wisdom and guidance?

-How connected do I feel with my breath and belly?

-How connected do I feel in and with my body?

-What recurring thoughts and themes am I noticing in my life?

-What are my current self-care practices?

-What are my predominant thought patterns?

-What foods am I ingesting?

-How do I feel after I eat these foods?

-What choices would feel better?

-How is the quality of my sleep?

-Am I moving my body in joyful ways?

-If so, how often?

-How am I spending my “spare” time?

-Is this “feeding” and replenishing me on all levels?

If you are not living and eating in a way that feels good or enhances a sense of well-being, what is stopping you from choosing a life that you look forward to living and feel good about?

Do you need more accountability, support, or help connecting with your inner “why”? Do you feel hopeless and stuck in your habits, yet feel like without them you would lose control? Are you just confused about where to start because there is so much information “out there” and you don’t know what would be a good fit for or work for you?

When I meet with my health coaching clients for the first time we address all of these concerns. We sit down together and get into the “nuts and bolts” of your life, so we can determine  and create the most aligned self-care routine for you. When you have a customized self-care routine you can begin to make the necessary changes that will set you free from living a life of survival. 

I have a serious question for you:

When you consider engaging in self-care, does it look like pampering yourself for an hour or two at  the spa, receiving a manicure, pedicure, facial, and/or a massage once or twice a year? This is wonderful, while it lasts and it feels good to “treat” yourself once in a while to something that feels good and is all about you, right?  When you are done, you go back to the daily demands on your time and energy, and you are back to the same routine. Nothing has really changed, except you feel good temporarily. I’d like you to consider the possibility of being able to take your self-care to the next level, so that it offers you the opportunity to transform your life into one that supports and prioritizes your well-being everyday, not just once or twice a year.  How does that sound? Is there a part of you that thinks “that is impossible”, or how can I possibly fit one more “thing “ into my already overwhelming schedule? What if I told you that you NEED to make daily self-care a priority BECAUSE of all the demands on your time and energy?  What if you could actually get more done with greater presence and fulfillment, by prioritizing your self-care? When you don’t prioritize self-care, you typically become trapped in the vicious cycle of  either moving away from pain or seeking pleasure. This can look like checking off all the things on your lengthy and unforgiving “to do” list, and rewarding yourself with unhealthy food that makes you feel good in the moment, but gives you a headache, sugar hangover, indigestion, gut dysbiosis, and/or leads to obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, or metabolic syndrome, eventually. It can look like working way too many hours on too little sleep and rewarding yourself on the weekends by having one too many,  while getting too little sleep, and getting back up on Monday morning to join in the “rat race” again. This leads to hormonal imbalances, obesity, mental and physical health imbalances, and adrenal burnout. These are just a few examples of what some of my clients are struggling with when they first come to see me. I invite my clients to consider another approach, that doesn’t involve self -medicating , and “numbing out” so you can “survive” the hamster wheel approach to life. What if you could get off the “hamster wheel” entirely and transcend beyond just surviving your life? What if  I told you that you could build a life that you looked forward to everyday, where Soulful Self-care was woven throughout your day? Would you be willing to explore this possibility and experience it for yourself? If so, read on:

I believe there are 9 Pillars to Essential Self-Care:

-a good quality sleep routine and good quality sleep

-receiving essential nutrients through food and water

-sunshine and fresh air




-meaningful work

-empowered mindset

-a mindfulness practice


When you create a self-care routine that includes these pillars, your life will transform. The key is to begin slowly and work incrementally toward  making sustainable lifestyle changes over time. This takes time, accountability, self-love, and experienced support. This is not a “quick fix” approach. This approach will transform your life, from surviving to thriving. 

I have 2 mentorship containers available: 3 and 6 month personal mentorships. If you want a customized retreat to help you jump start your next steps, you can find this service on Contact me for more information or to sign up on, my app, or on my Women’s Wellness page. Link to my bio on Instagram michele.pedersen.7 for more information.

Therakneads Wellness Center, in Eldersburg, will be hosting an open house Monday February 21 at 4 p.m. for Upgrading Your Wellness. I would love to see you there! We will be offering ongoing wellness workshops to support you in upgrading your wellness. Stay tuned for future offerings in March and April!

Michele Pedersen