My approach to reestablishing an optimal state of wellbeing in my mind, heart, and body happened through trial and error , while navigating through my own health challenges. I struggled with interstitial cystitis, anemia, chronic Lyme disease, chronic pain, regular migraines, chronic fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, thyroid imbalances, depression, adrenal fatigue, and burnout for years. I sought answers through books, doctors, antibiotics, experimenting with different approaches to eating, and made multiple lifestyle changes. I went to acupuncturists, herbalists, naturopaths, and a variety of healing practitioners. I believe all of these approaches had a cumulative effect and eventually I turned a corner from surviving to eventually thriving through my own unique and customized Soul-aligned self-care system. One major conclusion I arrived at through this long-standing process was that the health of my nervous system was central to all the other branches on the tree of my life. My symptoms were the branches and the trunk was my nervous system. The roots needed soil rich in vital nutrients to function and for the vital force from the roots to reach the branches and create healthy fruit, not only for myself, but for everyone my life interfaced with and impacted.  This soil was composed of my thoughts, my daily activities, or lifestyle choices, my breath patterns, my heart rhythms, the quality of my sleep, the quality of the food I was eating, my relationships, and my external environment. Essentially if my nervous system wasn’t regulated then the rest of my systems that it informed would not function optimally either. When I work with clients I like to begin by reestablishing their nervous system function and health. I do this through a multifaceted approach and not all at once. Our first session determines our starting point and I use the feedback from our session to inform the next session and the approach we use. This process takes 30 days to 3 months to reboot the nervous system, although you will experience changes beginning with the first session. When you continue to implement the practices and tools you learn during our sessions for at least 6 months you will begin to experience sustainable change, which is our goal. Quick fixes don’t last and when you go this route, you short change yourself because you end up where you began or feeling even more defeated.


A Little Bit About Your Nervous System

Your heart beat is the first rhythm that is established following conception. Next is your nervous system. These two systems inform, and work in tandem with one another; hence becoming your internal home-base, so to speak. When you are out of balance your  heart and nervous system need to reboot themselves. One of my favorite approaches, as a health coach,  is to use a combination of sound frequency, breath, mindfulness, right eating, and intentional self-care to assist your heart and nervous system in recalibrating to their natural frequency. When this recalibration occurs it serves to amp up your biomagnetic frequency, which lights up all your systems so they can return to their optimal level of functioning.

     Some of the systems that are impacted by dysregulation in your heart and nervous system are your immune system, which is impacted by your gut and nervous system health, your HPA axis(hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal axis), which impacts your hormonal regulation and immune system, and your heart rhythm, which is responsible for creating congruence between your mind, body, and heart(emotions).

When your nervous system and heart are in coherence, then you experience an enhanced state of mental, emotional, and physical  health and wellbeing.

     When you have established coherence then you will begin to feel more energized in your body and elevated in your moods. You will now have the energy to break down and assimilate the foods you are eating more efficiently and will have energy left over to nourish your reproductive organs, which are the last tissues that your vital life force energy reaches, after you have digested your food.

     When you are in a state of fight, flight or freeze, because your sympathetic nervous system is stuck in a chronic stress cycle, your energy is going toward fighting outside threats rather than using the energy to repair and replenish itself. This is what drives all other physiological and neurological processes in your body. Your immune system begins to suffer, you experience chronic inflammation, and mental health imbalances. This creates a vicious cycle of depletion of your vital life force energy you require to thrive, not just survive  and struggle through your life.

   We work together to interrupt this sympathetic cycle and restore your overall health and well-being, so you can finally come home to yourself and the life you were meant to be living!

   If any of this resonates with you, consider setting up an appointment to see if you would benefit from working together toward upgrading your wellness and life! www.mother-touch.com, Women’s Wellness(facebook page), Michele.pedersen.7(instagram)Therakneads Wellness Center 410-549-7711. What are you waiting for?

Michele Pedersen